Healthcare Practitioner Referrals

Referrals from healthcare practitioners

Have a client that might benefit from working with me? Want to make a referral? This is the place to be.

I extend a warm welcome to all healthcare professionals who refer patients. Whether you’re a Counsellor, General Practitioner, Physiotherapist, or a specialist like a Urologist, your referrals are appreciated.

Please be aware that Polysoma operates as a private practice and is not covered by Medicare. Your client will incur charges for the professional services provided. Prior to submitting your referral, please engage in a discussion with your client, and assess their financial capability. If your client has NDIS they may be able to obtain financial support.  You can find details regarding my fees here.

Please complete the details below.

Your Details

Your clients details

Has your client consented to your referral?*
Do you require regular updates about your clients progress?*
Has your client consented to you receiving regular updates about their progress?*

Your client must consent to the release of their information. I am unable to provide this without their consent. This will be confirmed with your client.

After you’ve successfully submitted your referral, I’ll reach out to you for the formal transmission of information concerning your client. This will include details such as personal information, medical history, psychosocial background, medications, etc.

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.