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Adelaide – Psychotherapy & Counselling

Discover a safe, supportive environment. Specialising in trauma and sexual issues impacting your mind and body.


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Welcome to Polysoma


At Polysoma, you’re not just another person—and this is not another counselling practice. Envision a reimagined mind-body health sanctuary,

I create space for people to heal and work through complex concerns—and everybody is welcome.

I know life can be challenging: and I’m here to help you navigate the ups and downs, and overcome the difficult things life can throw at you.

Run by me, Kai, a professional psychotherapist and counsellor practising in the space of trauma-informed care, pain and sexual wellness. With a somatic background. I’ll work closely with you, providing support and therapies that are holistic, safe, and tailored to you.

My focus is helping you feel better in your body, so you can take back control, and discover a healthier, more authentic you.

KaiBClinPrac, MCouns, GradCertSexol
Welcome here

What to expect

I offer psychotherapy and counselling at my Adelaide practice, nestled in the heart of Goodwood at the GoodHub. I also provide virtual sessions, ensuring accessibility regardless of your global whereabouts.

Top 6 reasons to work with me:
My services are perfect for people working through:
Working with me can help you:
I’ll work with you to find what modalities feel right for you.

Interested in becoming a new client?

I’m currently open to new clients. If you’re interested in working with me, you can register as a new client and connect to my schedule.

I am a private practitioner. No Medicare rebates available. Mental Health Care Plans not accepted. NDIS participants welcome.


Ready to begin?

Simply register below to schedule your first session. First session fee payable immediately when signing up and scheduling time to see me. 

Register Now

If you have any questions before proceeding, please check out my  FAQ’s page for important information about my fees and professional services. 

How I work with you


Register as a new client. Connect to my schedule, find a time and day that works for you.


We have a 1:1 discussion regarding your needs and goals for working with me. We learn about each other. We create a bespoke plan just for you.


You delve into self-discovery, navigate transformative experiences, and take charge to improve your health and wellbeing.


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Kai’s profound understanding and extensive knowledge of sex and sexuality gave me the confidence to openly discuss my shame around sensuality, sexual expression, intimacy and my body. In his unique intuitive way, Kai directed me away from the shame ingrained by a conservative upbringing, into the curious exploration of my sexuality.

Mr M.

I feel more in tune with my body even non-sexually, the breathwork has made me feel more connected to myself in everyday life and been a positive addition to my self-pleasuring as well. It was probably one of the easiest and most comfortable connections I’ve had talking with anyone.

She/Her Anonymous

I have benefited greatly from Kai's expertise, wisdom and body awareness. Trauma and chronic depression had significantly impacted my confidence; personally, and sexually. Kai has combined extensive knowledge, insight and great intuition to take me to a place I thought I could never return to.


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"Research shows telling people about pain isn’t helpful. But when we can sit, take time, listen and make sense together, when can really help people understand what’s going on, understand their pain, make useful and meaningful choices when it comes to treatment."

Tim Cocks

"Many of us tell ourselves that 'sex is not all that important to me', and then we immerse ourselves in substitutive activities. We plunge into all manner of heartless addictions or we become preoccupied with policing the sex lives of others. We even lose awareness of how disconnected we have become from our sensuality. We no longer recognise our own inhibition, nor do we see its roots in our unconscious shame and guilt."

Dr. Barnaby Barratt

“The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle,
known loss, and have found their way out of the depths.
These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and
an understanding of life that fills them with compassion,
gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.”

Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

"At times, our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us."

Albert Schweitzer

"We are taught to distance from sensations and the body, rather than living inside them. The distancing from lived experience, from feeling aliveness, also prepares us to be quick to objectify others and other types of life."

Staci Haines – The Politics of Trauma

"With all loss, and especially with ambiguous loss, the goal is to live with grief rather than close the door. We live with the lack of finality."

Pauline Boss & Donna Carnes - The Myth of Closure

"There is no way I'm ever telling people what I want because they will use it to hurt me - if this is your experience, there is healing to do to find and reveal what you authentically care about."

Staci Haines – The Politics of Trauma

"Mindful touch and movement grounds people and allows them to discover tensions that they may have held for so long that they are no longer even aware of them."

Bessel van der Kolk – The Body Keeps the Score

"When healing from trauma, we must also heal from shame."

Staci Haines – The Politics of Trauma

"As I like to say to people, "life sucks a good amount of time". We all have jobs and situations that are really unpleasant. But the moment that situation is over, its over. The problem with trauma is that when it’s over, your body continues to relive it."

Big Think - Bessel van der Kolk

"Nakedness can symbolise not only the truth of the matter but also the truth of self - psychological authenticity. The metaphor of stripping away implies an authentic self-clothed in cultural baggage or social roles."

Ruth Barcan - Nudity a Cultural Anatomy

“There is no such thing as a single-issue struggle because we do not live single-issue lives."

Audre Lorde

"Once, when undergoing a medical check-up, the doctor put me on a treadmill. "What are you measuring?' I asked him. 'How fast I can go, or how long?'. 'Neither', he replied. 'What I want to measure is, when you get off the machine, how long it takes your pulse to return to normal.' I realised that health is not a matter of never being ill. It is the ability to recover."

Jonathan Sacks

"Compassion is not a relationship between the healer and wounded. Its a relationship between equals. Only when we know our own darkness well can we be present with darkness of others. Compassion becomes real when we recognise our shared humanity."

Pema Chodron

"You have the responsibility to show up to your life. You can't avoid it, in all its pain and beauty, by living in the past-personal histories and buried traumas matter, and they might inform the present."

Dr. Daniel N. Watter

“In order to see naturally, we must let go of our preconceptions as to what is ‘natural'."

Rose Cameron

"What doctors and therapists tell patients has a major influence on what patients believe and this influence can continue for many years and have an effect on recovery. The influence is powerfully negative."

Tim Cocks from the study of Ben Darlow et al.

“I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness the astonishing light of your own being."


"Empathy has no script. There is no right or wrong way to do it. It's simply listening, holding space, withholding judgement, emotionally connecting, and communicating that incredibly healing message of 'You're not alone."

Brene Brown

"Our hearts are armoured against society. We cover our hearts to avoid suffering."

Ram Dass

History does matter, the past does affects the present. The privileged cannot understand the subjugated "out of context".

K.V. Hardy

"Your most personal experience is mirrored back to you, and you realise all at once that someone else had had the same thought. Suddenly and certainly, if only for that moment, you are a little less alone."

Dr. Daniel N. Watter

Acknowledging Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Trauma.

I am honoured to live, work and play on the lands of the Kaurna people. I acknowledge the deep scars inflicted by colonisation, understanding the profound impact of historical and cultural trauma. This declaration of acknowledgment goes beyond mere words. It emanates from a place of genuine empathy, a steadfast dedication to reconciliation, and a sincere commitment to healing. It is imperative to recognise that sovereignty was never willingly ceded; the vast lands of this country, remains and will always remain the sacred ancestral home of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.